Tuesday 25 March 2014

How advertising images can give a boost in your ad campaign

Images speak 1000 words” It is a popular saying and this is very correct as well. You write 1000 words and still you don’t get to reach to audience heart sometimes but an image grab attention immediately and it says everything.

Today I am going to discuss about Advertising images. Advertising images are those which are used to advertise your products or brand. Basically advertising images are self-explanatory with few text embedded called as “Tag line”.

Advertising images can be used anywhere to promote yourbrand and spread its awareness. When you are running an ad campaign in which you use powerful texts, it works well but still it lacks in grabbing more attention because of unavailability of images.

Instead of text If you use only images with taglines, you can see the difference in ad campaign. It increase the ROI to a greater extent.

Just for example, if you use email and if you have subscribed to any brand’s Newsletter then you can see their weekly or daily newsletter which mostly designed using creative images because you or anyone would not like to read the long text always but if there is an interesting image with a short tag line, I am sure You at least would go and check out.

Do you want to get more details on this topic? Read more about Advertising images here